Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Rules to Make Your Book Club Run Smoothly
When youre starting a book club it helps to set some ground rules to help ensure that all of your attendees feel welcome and want to return. Some of the rules may seem like common sense but making sure everyone is on the same page helps avoid unnecessary conflict.Having established rules can be especially important if you are starting a book club thats open to the general public. If you dislike obscene language, for example, a book club made of just your friends would probably already know to avoid swearing, but if you opened the club to strangers they might assume cursing was fine. Having a rule in place would let everyone know the type of discourse to use. When deciding on rules for your club youll want to think about the kind of conversations youd like to have. Are you focused on deep critical analysis or is it just for fun? Its also a good idea to think about the space youll be holding your book club in. If youre meeting an public area like a library community room it might have its rules about things like bringing food or putting chairs away after the meeting. Its best to be aware of these when making your groups rules. Youll probably come up with a few rules of your own but heres a list of some common book club rules to help you get started. If any of these rules dont appeal to you or you feel are unnecessary for your group simply ignore them and remember the most important thing of all is just to have fun! The purpose of this book club is to read and enjoy literature! So, if you love books, and youre ready to discuss them... youre in the right place.You may find that you disagree with something that another member of the group has said.It is okay to disagree as long as its done respectfully.Inappropriate behavior and/or language will not be tolerated.Please respect the authority of the moderator.Keep on topic, but feel free to introduce information that is relevant to the discussion (historical facts, bio details, book background, related authors or topics).No Spoilers! All meetings will start on time.When you speak, please state your name.Some book clubs include food or beverages. Dont forget to bring your assigned (or volunteered) food or drink. More Info. General Book Club Questions for Study and DiscussionWhich character do you most like?How To Determine a Reading ScheduleWhat is a classic?Quotes
Monday, December 23, 2019
Pros And Cons Of Drug Legalization - 1914 Words
Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization With the onslaught of states slowly legalizing the commercialization and use of marijuana after the passing of sanctioning initiatives led by Colorado and Washington in 2012, societal attitudes have begun to support this movement in the decriminalization of marijuana for personal use. Based on the 2014 midterms, momentum for this change has been shown in different parts of the U.S., with states such as Oregon, Alaska, and Washington D.C. joining this cause. It is safe to assume that several other states will soon follow suit, with ballot initiatives set for 2016 in states such as: Massachusetts, California, Missouri, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, and Arizona (Becker, 2014). However, the long standing debate still stands, is this change for the better? In a world with less restrictions on illegal drugs such as marijuana, would the pros outweigh the cons? Although the answer may not be clear cut, considering the arguments made by both the supporting side and the opposing side of marijuana leg alization for public consumption will help us create an opinion on what values should be taken priority on when it comes to the consequences related to advocating this movement. Based on the arguments made from the perspective of a supporter in marijuana legalization, complete legalization would bring an end to illicit dealings on the streets, as there would be no reason for consumers to interact with shady sellers when it’s already offered commercially.Show MoreRelatedPros and Cons of Drug Legalization Essay1476 Words  | 6 PagesThe Pros and Cons of Drug Legalization Should drugs be legalized ? Drugs are resources that are capable of affecting theAmerican economy in many ways--both positively and negatively. Drugs often have a bad name even though they help us everyday in medical cases. and the drugs with the worst reputations are not the most abused drugs One may benefit from the legalization of drugs in many ways, while others would suffer greatly. Almost every person in the United States has their ownRead MorePosition Paper-Khadijah Shabazz1222 Words  | 5 PagesUniversity 9/20/2015 The legalization of drugs is one of the most controversial and debated topics of the 21st century. There are both negative and positive reasons to legalize them as well as negative and positive reasons to keep them prohibited. According to LEAP, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, drug prohibition is the true cause of much of the social and personal damage that has historically been attributed to drug use. It is prohibition that makes these drugs so valuable – while givingRead MoreMarijuana: For Better or For Worse?1740 Words  | 7 PagesMarijuana is a harmful drug and should not be legalized. Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug used in the United States. It is a plant that grows from the ground however, it contains many harmful toxins. There are many pros and cons for the legalization of marijuana although there are more cons than there are pros; one being that children are the ones who abuse marijuana the most. Surprisingly, against other beliefs, marijuana smoking actually does impair the user’s ability to drive aRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana For Recreational Use1362 Words  | 6 Pagesuse an ounce of this drug. According to the drugabuse.gov website, the drug mariju ana is defined as a greenish-gray mixture of the dried, shredded leaves and flowers of Cannabis sativaâ€â€the hemp plant. After two years of legalizing marijuana, Colorado has had various perks that range from medical, economic, and social. Other states like Ohio and Mississippi are also considering legalizing marijuana after looking at most of the benefits Colorado is having after legalizing the drug. According to the websiteRead MoreEssay about Should Marijuana be Legalized?968 Words  | 4 Pagesmarijuana. There are valid pros and cons on each side of the debate to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Supporters state this could provide a revenue boost in new taxes for the sales and distribution. For example, in Colorado analysts believe the taxes on the drug could raise an additional 5 to 22 million dollars annually (drugrehab.us, 2013). The legalization of marijuana would not only provide a revenue boost but would also take away profit from the illegal drug trade. For instance, let’sRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized? Essay1372 Words  | 6 PagesLegalization of Weed Growing up, everyone is told that, â€Å"Drugs are bad for you,†time and time again. Now as a kid you don’t really understand the reasoning behind it, but you listen to your authority figure regardless. I remember being told this my entire life and even to this very day. But as I got older I realized that people would still use drugs even though it’s illegal. I could never understand why someone would go against the law and jeopardize their life just to use drugs? The drug thatRead MoreMarijuana: Drug or Cure? Essay1191 Words  | 5 Pagesover the legalization of Marijuana. As of 1970 with the passing of The Controlled Substances Act the Federal Government officially classified marijuana as a schedule 1 drug with no real accepted medicinal use at the time (History of Marijuana). As the capabilities of science have progressed over time more and more scientific challenges have bombarded this decision so that more tangible research can be garnered from th is plant. The earliest known mention of marijuana as a recreational drug came fromRead MoreEssay Astonishing Statistics of Marijuana Use in Minors1539 Words  | 7 Pagesmarijuana has been a drug with increasing popularity especially throughout the past couple of years due to the legalization in some states. In November of 2012 history was made when Washington and Colorado both legalized marijuana for recreational use. Although marijuana is considered to be a Schedule 1 drug, which means it has a high potential for drug abuse and addictive properties, it is still considered by many that it is not harmful and is in fact the #1 most used illegal drug in the United StatesRead MoreThe Pros And Cons Of Marijuana Legalization1226 Words  | 5 Pageslife-ruining drug. Children learn that marijuana is a â€Å"gateway†drug and that it only does harm. Though it can be quite addictive, Marijuana is safer than commonly used drugs like Tobacco and could possibly be more helpful medically than many of the prescription drugs currently available. The legalization of Marijuana would have an extremely advantageous effect on the economy, healthcare, and focus of police on more violent criminal activity of the United States. Though Marijuana’s pros outweighRead MoreRaising Productivity Is Important for Unlocking the Economic Potential of a Country.1086 Words  | 5 PagesUnderground activities – Instead of setting up a task force to diminish drug cartels or a gang of mobsters, the country could instead limit the ways these ‘businesses’ gets the dough. An example would be to decriminalize and charge taxation for Marijuana, as there are evidences* whereby legalization does not increase amount of drug use and also to generate large revenues. * http://www.ibtimes.com/pros-cons-drug-legalization-us-246712# * Requiring the unemployed to volunteer – This might not
Sunday, December 15, 2019
The Reign of Charles V Free Essays
Charles V reigned over a vast empire in a tumultuous age. The New World was a relatively recent discovery, and several other factors point to the idea that Charles V’s reign coincided with a global transition into the modern age. Although Charles V’s focus was primarily domestic (in the sense of Europe and the surrounding territory), the meeting of traditional values and modern ideology was one of many issues Charles faced, independence was another. We will write a custom essay sample on The Reign of Charles V or any similar topic only for you Order Now Consolidating and re-consolidating his power was a problem that sapped much of Charles V’s, and by extension his empire’s, time and resources. From the papacy to the fiercely independent German coalition of prince-states, Charles often to had to take extra measures to enforce his policy in an empire that varied greatly from one polity to the next. Religion was another obstacle faced by Charles. The Protestant Reformation (steeped in the last vestiges of a somewhat anti-clerical Renaissance movement) appealed to many not only as more pious faith, but as a tool to be used for political maneuvering and opposition against an emperor whose motto was â€Å"Further beyond†(in regards to spreading the Christian faith). These concerns coupled with the always-present threat of foreign invasion made ruling over his empire an incredibly demanding and difficult task. Add to that the largely impractical and complex political process of the time, the question of finance, and a peasantry discontent synonymous with the values of the modern age, and you have a long and arduous list of problems faced by Charles. Although Charles the V was focused primarily on reform and maintenance rather than expansion, his conquering of the Aztecs and Incas can be considered brutal success and added greatly to the territory of New Spain. Cultural, economic, and political disparity throughout the empire, the search for financial backing (as well as questionable fiscal habits), foreign threat, and the problem of enforcing his often conventional policy in an era of change make the reign of Charles the V one worth studying. The empire preceded over by Charles encompassed many different cultures and made the vision of one wholly unified political entity hugely unfeasible, â€Å"By tradition he ruled only with the consent of the Imperial Diet, whose sheer size and diversity of interests made agreement almost impossible†(Maltby 22). As heir to not only the Habsburg dynasty, but a host of other territories (some of which his authority was unrecognized), Charles had to undertake the task of administrating over unique polities that themselves had issues administrating. Peasant unhappiness had long been an issue in medieval Europe, and combined with the scarcity of labor (due to the Black Death) peasants took on a new feeling of self-worth and importance. This often culminated in open revolt and passive resistance when the peasant class’s demands were discarded as usual. This caused issues in management for the individual polities and on a larger scale for Charles. Charles had to deal with a huge difference in political process between any given polity, from the loose organization of the German States to the Cortes. Charles dealt with this largely on a by-issue basis, choosing to solve one problem at a time. This was in line with Charles’s cautious nature, for a decision made to solve one problem could not be considered without regard to how it would affect the others, such is the nature of the interconnected problems facing him. Even unifying factors such as the church had trouble bringing together polities that were more often concerned with individual well being and privilege then with the welfare of the empire. Charles had too many issues too deal with at once, so he employed viceroys (regional governors) as extensions of imperial will. Many of Charles’ problems stem from the lack of a unifying force in the empire, as unrealistic as it would be to imagine one at that time. A constant and expensive threat faced by Charles was that of foreign invasion. Charles was faced with defense of a â€Å"Vast patchwork of principalities that were neither geographically contiguous nor similar†¦ in culture or tradition†(Maltby 8). The frequent clashes with France and it’s monarch Francis the I mark the most prominent campaign in â€Å"terms of blood and money†(Maltby 32). Charles developed a personal rivalry with Francis as evidenced by his repeated offers to settle huge disputes with a duel. Sometimes called the Habsburg-Valois rivalry, France was located dead in the center of Charles’s empire. And with France’s resources and military ambition rivaling that of Charles, conflicts between the two were frequent and costly. France’s interest in the Italian peninsula fueled it’s military conquests and was a continuation of French interest in the area dating back to Charles VIII’s invasion in 1494. The French were defeated in 1525 (culminating in Francis’s capture and the treaty of Madrid), inconclusively in 1529 (leading to the Treaty of Cambrai), and again inconclusively in 1538 with a truce (although the conflict would later start up with a renewed Frankish-Ottoman alliance). Charles owed much of his military success to his elite corps the tercios, a cohesive combination of â€Å"pikes with shot.. that would dominate European battlefields until the Thirty Years War†(Maltby 40). Some of the war successes and failures during conflict were directly related to advance in technology such as the bastion. Another threat, and one that endangered his very values, was that of the Islamic Ottoman empire. Starting out as one of many Christian raiding advocates of Islam, the Ottoman empire made territorial acquisitions at an alarming rate, especially alarming to the heavily Christian population at the time. The Ottoman empire found an able leader in Suleyman â€Å"The Magnificent†whose campaigns ended twice at Vienna due to logistical reasons. Failure to conquer the entirety of Charles’s empire did not stop the sultan from dominating the Mediterranean and also unleashing the pirates upon Charles, some of who caused serious issues for him (Barbarossa) via harassment and guerrilla techniques. Charles’s conflict with religion can be seen in his dealings with the Protestant Reformation (and a general anti-clerical position) as well as his subjugation of the papacy. Holding the title of Holy Roman Emperor had personal meaning to Charles, and his actions were often motivated by his desire to advance and protect the Christian faith. He met with opposition by not only the Protestant Reformation, but by a rebellious papacy concerned first with its own survival and second with the Christian faith. Although the papacy under Clement VII was largely pacified by instilling the Medici in Florence, the Reformation was not so easily quieted. The values behind the reformation attracted opportunists, condemners of the church, and peasant revolts alike, but the movement found a special foothold in the Germanic provinces. Besides using the new religion as a means of resisting imperial control, the princes had a more practical motivation, that by breaking with the church they could â€Å"Increase their revenues, strengthen their reserves of patronage, and gain control of†¦ institutions†¦. without alienating their subjects. †(Maltby 49). Actual proponents of the movement believed that it â€Å"offered a truer interpretation of the Gospels than that provided by the traditions of the Old Church†(Maltby 49). Whatever their justification, Charles V adopted a number of different stances concerning the Protestant Reformation. Domestically, the Inquisition was still active, and destroyed Spanish Protestantism (what little there was), and they also persecuted effectively any other movement that strayed from the accepted doctrine of the time. Concerning his less secure territorial acquisitions, Charles’s stance ranged from tolerance to viewing Luther’s doctrine as â€Å"False†and â€Å"Evil†, but the conflict manifested itself in the struggle between the Protestant formed Schmalkaldic League and Charles. Formed to be a united Protestant front against the still majority Christian Orthodoxy, The League was allowed to exist only as long as Charles was busy with the Ottomans. Once that threat had been neutralized (via treaty), Charles turned his attention elsewhere, namely to what he viewed as religious rebellion, the Schmalkaldic League. Charles, backed by papal troops, eradicated the league (who was plagued by authoritative indecisiveness) in a fashion reminiscent of the crusades. However the ever-present problem of enforcing his policy appeared in Charles’s victory over the league. Many of the prince-states that re-converted remained largely protestant in population, placed no constrictions on the spread or practice of the faith, and some outright reverted back to Protestantism. Charles’s legacy is often tainted by his fiscal actions. The empire needed mass amounts of money not only to function, but to finance Charles’s martial actions. Charles’s often depended on the system of redress after compensation, expected donations, and random windfalls. But by far his most relied upon source for money, were the banks. Charles borrowed heavily from many banks to support his endeavors. Often Charles could not repay the loan by the deadline, which led to a slew of re-negotiations, raised interest rates, and fees instituted by the banks to ensure profit. The relationship between them was initially symbiotic. Charles needed money and the banks were happy to profit off of the high interest rates and continued to supply him even when his credit dropped in the later years of his reign. Later in Charles’s reign however, the banks realized he was no longer a safe nor profitable investment, which often forced him to resort to coercion to get the necessary funds. The diverse nature of the problems meant that no one solution would encompass the broad spectrum of issues facing Charles and his empire. Ranging from financial troubles, to foreign threat, to having core values that conflict with the changing times of that age, Charles allowed caution and his deep Christian values to guide him through those troubled times until his abdication and retirement to a monastery. Charles’ reign certainly had its share of successes and failures, and Charles has been described as â€Å"not quite a good man, and not quite a great man†(Maltby 129), but he is certainly one worth re-examining, even four centuries later. How to cite The Reign of Charles V, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Mobile Business Solution for Sencha Platform - myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theMobile Business Solution for Sencha Platform. Answer: Introduction The paper focuses on mobile business solution for customers that are considered as one of the expensive as well as complex proposition for an organization to implement. It is identified that organizations mainly prefers mobile business solution in spite of its cost as well as complexities because mobile based solutions assists in boosting the productivity of the organization (Joorabchi, Mesbah and Kruchten 2013). In addition to this, it is identified that mobile business solution will be helpful in providing other benefits that include enhancing loyalty, reinforcing brand, enhancing visibility as well as accessibility. In this report, various technologies, platforms, success factors as well as enablers for successful implementation of mobile business solutions are elaborated. The report also illustrates various other cost factors as well as components of mobile solution. It is identified that various case studies are utilized in this report for supporting different arguments of the report. Mobile Business solution Discussion on technologies It is quite important to understand properly about the choices of the technology that is mainly involved for implementing mobile business solutions properly. It is analyzed that native mobile app technology is best suited for the organizations as it is the technology that is supported in various platform including Apple, iOS, Windows and more. The principal advantage of utilizing this technology is that it helps in optimizing the experience of the user (MobiLoud 2017). It will help in operating more quickly as it is specifically designed for the platform. Building for Android requires Java, which is one of the common languages. It is identified that the tools as well as technologies that are available for creating mobile business solutions are quite helpful. In addition to this, it is found that native app technology is the best option if the enterprise has developers who have proper knowledge as well as skills in context to the language (Vallon et al. 2015). It is identified that Ap ple and Google helps in offering developers own development tools, standardized SDK as well as interface elements for the development of the native app relatively quite easily. Discussion on platforms It is identified that in order to develop mobile based solutions, there are number of platforms that can be utilized. However, it is identified that the use of Sencha platform is quite advantageous. Sencha mainly utilizes web centric approach for developing mobile based solutions by making is effective for organizations with lot of JavaScript as well as native development expertise. The Sencha touch application is generally based on HTML 5 (Shih et al. 2013). It is identified that recently it sealed a deal with SAP that helps in allowing customers to utilize Sencha Touch. It is identified that with outstanding commitment with different web technologies, Sencha dramatically helps in reducing both the cost as well as complexity of developing and delivering proper applications to different types of devices. The lifecycle of the platform helps in enabling companies to properly build, test, as well as deploy the platform (Yamagata et al. 2013). In addition to this, the platform also assists developers for building data intensive, cross-platform web applications. It is identified that Accenture utilizes Sencha platform due to its number of advantages. Some of the benefits include high speed, customizable user interface, and proper management of data as well as appropriate flexibility. Success factors There are number of factors that help in making the implementation procedure of mobile business solutions successful. The success factors include: Embed the correct analytics: Mobile business solutions assist in providing proper opportunity for capturing as well as analyzing interactions. Thus, this type of insights must be utilized properly for segmenting users as well as for understanding preferences as well as behaviours (Iacob, Harrison and Faily 2013). It is identified that these benefits can be achieved if the mobile business solutions generally incorporate rich analytics from the start. Building reliability as well as resilience: It is found that mobile services generally require information from different system so it is quite important that both must be resilient. Therefore, it is important to plan as well as demand pattern for mobile business solutions so that it is quite different from other competitors. Integrating with other systems: Mobile system must be linked properly to other systems and the business organization must avoid the situation in which the customers are left waiting for the service (Green et al. 2013). Therefore the business needs to utilize proper caching as well as multi-tier architecture that is helpful in handling interactions. Tackling the proliferation of device types: It is identified that delivering proper experience is considered as one of the difficult task when the type of device on which it is used is not known properly. Therefore, in order to provide proper service it is quite important to know proper sort of devices as well as OSes for targeting market, customers as well as employees. In addition to this, it is very much important to balance both the mobile services as well as cost as per the devices. Enablers for successful implementation The organization PowWow wants to utilize mobile business solutions as they identified that the average time of an employee can be saved by 7.5 hours in a week if an enterprise utilizes mobile business solutions (Gregoire and Gregoire 2017). The organization verifies the enablers that are helpful in successfully implementing the mobile solutions within business organizations. The enablers that are identified are as follows: Simple and Intuitive User experience: It is identified that utilization of simple as well as intuitive experience is found to be advantageous as with the help of the mobile app the employers can complete all the different operations of the organizations (Li and Halfond 2014). It is found that simplicity in mobile apps helps in speeding the business operations. Easy capability of sharing: It is identified that if the users are not capable of navigating then the business will not be able to achieve the desired amount of profit to the organizations. Therefore, the business organization must provide proper capability of sharing with the help of mobile solutions so that the customers do not face any challenge during the procedure of information sharing. Proper graphic design: It is identified that proper graphic design helps in carrying the brand message properly which symbolizes that utility is one of the biggest success factors (Doub et al. 2015). Proper graphic design is considered as one of the enablers for successful implementation as effective graphic design assist in captivating to the eyes of the consumers. Discussion of various cost factors Mobile business solutions are considered as one of the powerful tool that helps in enhancing the sales, growth as well as advertisement of a company. According to Brien (2017), a recent study reflects that Americans generally spend more than three hours on mobile devices for purchasing. Therefore, it is quite important for the organizations to understand the various key drivers of cost that will be helpful for taking cost effective decisions in order to deliver proper return on investment. The various factors include: Devices and operating systems: Developing mobile business solutions for internal users is found to be less expensive than for external environment. For external users, the company must ensure that that app must work properly in all the mobile devices as well as platforms (Mota et al. 2017). Prior to this, it is quite important to focus on the operating system. User authentication or authorization: This is considered as one of the significant consideration for business organizations. It is identified that the development cost for non-secure applications are quite low in comparison to secure integration channel (Kulkarni et al. 2015). It is identified that proper decision on authorization as well as authentication must be done with the help of the cooperation that exists between enterprise system development team as well as app development team. Integration with enterprise systems: The cost that is associated with enterprise integration generally extends to enterprise web services as well as data access (Kulkarni et al. 2015). Therefore, the architect of the organization must provide proper advice so that the integration requirement will be helpful in supporting the mobile solution irrespective of the infrastructure of the organization. Maintenance, support as well as enhancement: Mobile business solutions do not end with deployment procedure. It is identified that the feedback from the customers or users usually highlights problems as well enhancement requests (Yamagata et al. 2013). It is one of the significant tasks for an organization to retain the development team even after the period of deployment so that negative feedback of the clients can be utilized for fixing the problems associated with the app. Components of mobile business solutions The various components of mobile business solutions are as follows: Focus on experience: Mapping out the experience of the user is one of the key components. It is identified that mobile business solutions starts with the idea of interaction and thus the main goal is to create proper interface that helps in providing customers exactly what they want. According to the CEO of AndPlus, many times, the customers the design interface must be pleasing to the eye (Kony 2017). Success: It is identified that success is considered as one of the important factor, which mainly starts with the experience of the user, but it generally needs to incorporate the empowerment of the developer. The main goal is to make the experience of the customer as one of the driving force. Build in monetizing mechanism: It is identified that it is one of the significant component of mobile business solutions (Mota et al. 2017). Free apps are considered much easier within the market in an app store than most of the apps that are highest earning. It is found that this strategy or components help in setting benchmarks for envisioning the timeframe for scaling the backend. Conclusion It can be concluded that implementation of mobile business applications are quite advantageous for the business organization as implementation of mobile business solutions helps in providing number of benefits, which include enhancing loyalty, reinforcing brand, enhancing visibility as well as accessibility. It is identified that in order to develop mobile based solutions, there are number of platforms that can be utilized. However, it is identified that the use of Sencha platform is quite advantageous. On the other hand, it is found that native mobile app technology is best suited for the organizations as it is the technology that is supported in various platforms including Apple, iOS, Windows and more. The paper illustrates that there are number of factors as well as enablers that help in making the implementation procedure of mobile business solutions successful. The paper discusses that if the users are not capable of navigating then the business will not be able to achieve the d esired amount of profit to the organizations. Therefore, the business organization must provide proper capability of sharing with the help of mobile solutions. In addition to this, the paper also elaborates the significance of various key components of mobile business solutions. References Brien, J., 2017.The Key Components of a Mobile App Strategy. [online] Mashable. Available at: https://mashable.com/2013/08/28/mobile-app-strategy/#b0WCbI_iLmqB [Accessed 4 Oct. 2017]. Doub, A.E., Levin, A., Heath, C.E. and LeVangie, K., 2015. Mobile app-etite: Consumer attitudes towards and use of mobile technology in the context of eating behaviour.Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice,17(2), pp.114-129. Green, L.S., Hechter, R.P., Tysinger, P.D. and Chassereau, K.D., 2014. Mobile app selection for 5th through 12th grade science: The development of the MASS rubric.Computers Education,75, pp.65-71. Gregoire, A. and Gregoire, A., 2017.Case Study: Increased Efficiency and Competitive Advantage with Enterprise Application Mobility. [online] PowWow Mobile. Available at: https://www.powwowmobile.com/case-study-increased-efficiency-competitive-advantage-enterprise-mobile-apps/ [Accessed 4 Oct. 2017]. Iacob, C., Harrison, R. and Faily, S., 2013, November. Online reviews as first class artifacts in mobile app development. InInternational Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications, and Services(pp. 47-53). Springer, Cham. Joorabchi, M.E., Mesbah, A. and Kruchten, P., 2013, October. Real challenges in mobile app development. InEmpirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2013 ACM/IEEE International Symposium on(pp. 15-24). IEEE. Kony.,2017.RES-Blog-8-factors-mobile-app-dev-pricing. 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Shih, F., Seneviratne, O., Liccardi, I., Patton, E., Meier, P. and Castillo, C., 2013, August. Democratizing mobile app development for disaster management. InJoint Proceedings of the Workshop on AI Problems and Approaches for Intelligent Environments and Workshop on Semantic Cities(pp. 39-42). ACM. Vallon, R., Wenzel, L., Brggemann, M.E. and Grechenig, T., 2015. An Agile and Lean Process Model for Mobile App Development: Case Study into Austrian Industry.JSW,10(11), pp.1245-1264. Yamagata, C., Coppola, J.F., Kowtko, M. and Joyce, S., 2013, May. Mobile app development and usability research to help dementia and Alzheimer patients. InSystems, Applications and Technology Conference (LISAT), 2013 IEEE Long Island(pp. 1-6). IEEE.
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